Robin Walter has been a practicing attorney for over 30 years in areas ranging from tax to litigation, but focusing upon estate planning, business and real estate. A member of the California and Michigan Bars, Robin received his BA degree from the University of Michigan and is a magna cum laude graduate of Regent University Law School in Virginia Beach. He also has a Masters of Law in Taxation degree (LL.M.) from the University of San Diego School of Law and currently serves as a Judge Pro Tem in Arizona.
Robin pastored Valley Harvest Church in Santa Ynez, CA for 13 years with a ministry devoted to equipping the saints to not only survive the coming ordeals facing this nation but to thrive by assuming the authority Jesus Christ invested in us. In addition to Robin's political interests and his candidacy for the California Assembly, his deepest passion resides in the firm belief that God’s Word, in its inerrancy and completeness, provides answers and understanding to all of life’s real issues. This conviction prompts Robin to speak on clear biblical topics such as salvation, healing, and giving but also to the weighty social/political topics of the day, such as the right to keep and bear arms, alleged global warming, immigration, homosexual marriage, abortion, debt, and sometimes even the need to disobey civil authority.
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